
Saturday, March 9, 2019

50. Your Beauty Is For Others To Enjoy

50.  Your beauty is for others to enjoy, say, “Thank you!” and keep it moving.

You are beautiful always remember that.  When someone calls you beautiful, regardless of whether you think you are or not, simply say, “Thank you!” and keep it moving.  Your beauty is for others to enjoy.

I love you beautiful soul!  Enjoy and keep it moving...

Lady Lorraine

49. You Are Beautiful

49.  You are beautiful, remember that and keep it moving.

It’s that simple. You are beautiful!

48. If There's No Enemy Within, The Enemy Without Cannot Hurt You

48.  If there’s no enemy within, the enemy without cannot hurt you (African Proverb), so keep it moving.

This is so true. Our only enemy is the one within. It is projected onto others.  Kick that enemy out and keep it moving.

47. Speak Good Things Over Your Life And Everyone You Meet

47.  Speak good things over your life and everyone you meet and keep it moving.

We reap what we sow.  Don’t sow bad seed(s); speak good things into your life and other people’s lives, regardless of how they feel about you.  

Sow positivity and reap positivity.  Sow kindness and reap kindness.  Sow joy and reap joy, and keep it moving!

46. People Are Always Going To Talk

46.  People are always going to talk, give them something to talk about and keep it moving.

I learnt this early in life.  I talked to an Aunt about not understanding why certain people didn’t like me or would talk about me and she said, “People are always going to talk, just give them something to talk about.”  That helped me so much.  

I hope it helps you to keep it moving.

45. Remember To Always Thank Love For Loving You

45.  Remember to always thank Love for loving you and keep it moving.

Sometimes when Love finds us and we accept Love, we try to remain in that lovey feeling space all the time; however, life sometimes get in the way and cause other emotions to overshadow Love.  It’s ok to feel what you feel during that time.  Just remember to take time to thank Love for loving you and keep it moving.  

44. The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

44.  The heart wants what the heart wants, and it may not be you, so keep it moving.  

The heart knows Love, and wants Love to love it.  Sometimes the heart controls us more than we control it.  It knows exactly what it wants.  I think the heart is equally as spiritual as Love.  They both work in unison.  We have to learn to accept all of Love and keep it moving.

43. Love Who You Love

43.   Love who you love and keep it moving.  

This is tricky isn’t it?  We’ve complicated love, just like we’ve complicated life.  Love is love.  It is a Spirit and travels from person to person.  When love leaves one relationship, it goes to another.  It doesn’t know color, race, religion, or gender. It’s simply Love.  

Some of us are blessed enough to have Love remain in one person’s body for our entire earthly existence, but if that’s not the case for you, remember to remain open for Love to find you again.

Love loves Love, so keep it moving.

42. The World Isn't Going To End Because You Stopped

42.  The world isn’t going to end because you stopped, so might as well just keep it moving.  

The world ends everyday for someone.  If we are blessed to open our eyes and realize that we’re still on this side of the earth, then it is imperative that we keep it moving, because obviously the world isn’t going to stop because we do or did.

41. Love Life and Let Life Love You

41.   Love life and let life love you and keep it moving.

Our mind creates the world we want to live in.  If we want a happy fulfilling life we have to think, happy thoughts.  If we want to love life, we have to examine our thoughts.  We must have loving thoughts.  We must give love to ourselves, and to others in order for life to love us.  In all of it, remember to keep it moving. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

40. When We Know Better, We Should Do Better

40.    When we know better, we should do better, but we don’t, and just have to keep it moving.

We’ve been told that education is the key to knowing better and doing better, but we still don’t do it.  With all the education in the world, and all the educated people, we all should be living a much better life.  However, knowing better and doing better comes with better understanding of self, and the world we live in.  Most have gone in search of knowledge of subjects, but not knowledge of self.  

If we know better, we should do better and keep it moving.

39. God Gave Us This World With Everything

39.  God gave us this world with everything we need, but we’ve monetized it, and made it hard, but it’s life, so we just have to keep it moving.  

Do you see it?  Everything we need is here and was here before humankind was placed here.  There is enough food to feed everyone.  There is enough land for everyone to live comfortably.  The greed of humankind has allowed us to do to the earth what we do to each other. We have raped her of her resources, and abused her for her riches, in order to hoard the things for the limited time that we are here in the flesh.  None of us are going to take any of it with us, yet we do not openly share. We operate the world from the mentality of “the world is flat,” and we should protect the limited space that we have for the unlimited amount of people who occupies the “flat” space.  

We’ve created the mess that we are in; it’s up to us to clean up the mess and keep it moving.

38. God is Everything

38.  God is everything so, keep it moving.  

We have to understand this to understand life, and to live better at it. God is everything, and everything is God.  God cannot be placed in a box.  We were given a book that shows limited aspects of God.  God knows all things, and sees all things. 

Nothing is a surprise to God, so we just have to keep it moving.

37. Life is Imperfectly Perfect

37.  Life is imperfectly, perfect, enjoy it and keep it moving.  

We absolutely cannot have imperfection without perfection.  The word shows us this, im-perfection.  It simply means we are all perfectly imperfect, so enjoy all that life has to offer, every aspect of it, and keep it moving.

36. Choice Is An Important Aspect of Life

36.  Choice is an important aspect of life, so keep it moving.  

Many times because of our belief that life ends, we tend to make decisions to take certain “choices” away from others.  We believe that it helps to give or extend life.  Life isn’t given to us by us.  There are things we do not have a choice over.  For example, we do not have a choice over when, where, how or what conditions we are born into or when, where or how we are going to transition from this world.  The little “choice” that we have shouldn’t be based on our fear of death, but it is; so, we have to learn to enjoy the time we have here and keep it moving.  

Friday, March 1, 2019

35. Life is Spiritual

35.     Life is recyclable, so keep it moving.  

After reading #34, do you see how it recycles?  Life is spiritual.  All of what is important to us is spiritual.  This is what makes it recyclable.  Some call it reincarnation.  The spirit moves from one body to the next, allowing us to enjoy the same over and over, through someone else.  

Enjoy life and keep it moving.